Difference Bicycle Standard 808 and Bicycle Rider Back 807?

What is the difference between the Bicycle Standard deck and the Bicycle Rider Back deck?

Whenever we take a look at our sales figures the same two products are invariably the most popular: the Bicycle Standard Deck (808) and the Bicycle Rider Back Deck (807). It’s hardly surprising, as these two decks may very well be the best known playing cards around the world, not to mention the fact that they’re very affordable and durable. Nevertheless we frequently receive e-mails from customers wondering what the difference between the two is, and which deck is more suited for which purpose. Let’s answer any questions you may have once and for all.


Do the cards differ from each other?

Honestly, there’s no actual difference between the cards in both decks. The front and back designs of both cards are identical, the cards are printed in the same factory, and they’re both equipped with the famous Bicycle Air-Cushion Finish that allows the cards to glide through your fingers. The only real things distinguishing the two are their names and their different tuck boxes.

Bicycle Standard back 808 (left) vs. Bicycle rider back 807 (right)

So what do those numbers actually mean anyway?


In 1881 The United States Playing Card Company, which produces the Bicycle decks, was founded in Cincinatti. Their first design, named ‘Tiger’ was assigned the production code ‘101’. The next designs were designated 202, 303, and so on. The Bicycle design, with production code 808, was the eighth design approved for production. This specific design became their most popular product by far, leading to the Bicycle brand becoming more or less synonymous with the company. Additionally, the number 808, which prominently appears in the Bicycle design, became a recognisable feature of the company’s brand.

Alright, but what’s the deal with the 807 then?

In 2009 the USPCC factory relocated from Cincinatti, Ohio to Erlanger, Kentucky. For this occasion the USPCC decided to update their most recognisable tuck box design to give it a bit more of a modern look. As you can imagine, not every playing card enthusiast was pleased with this decision, and many of them requested that the classic tuck boxes would go back into production. The USPCC continued production of the classic tuck not too long after that, and gave this version the new production code 807, to signify its status as the predecessor of the current 808.
Bicycle Standard back 808

Bicycle rider back 807 

Are there any situations in which their differences may be relevant?

Regarding our various special decks for card magic, such as gaff decks, decks with blank cards, double backers, and so on: those will commonly be packaged in the same tuck boxes as the 808, although one or two of them come with an 807 tuck instead. Ultimately it doesn’t really matter since the cards are all identical in look, feel and quality, which means you can use these kinds of cards with either the 807 or 808 decks.If you’re a collector and you happen to be interested in our collection of Bicycle Standard and Bicycle Rider Back decks in other, rarer colours than red and blue, it’s probably a good idea to keep an eye on which tuck box model you’re ordering, so that you can try to assemble as complete a collection as possible.
The cards of the Bicycle Standard back 808 deck are completely identical to the Bicycle Rider Back 807. The only difference is the tuck box design.

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